Saturday, August 7, 2010

Long Time No See

Kitchen Dahlias, originally uploaded by mysterybridgers.

Wow! It has been a little while since we've blogged here. Sadly, we have no new food to talk about. The Crusader has been cooking meals regularly, but we just really haven't been thinking about taking pictures of our food. So, for this post, a picture of lovely dahlias in our kitchen will have to suffice. Dahlias are one of the only sign that it is summer around here. The weather has been rather gray and cold here in San Francisco, so perhaps that is dampening our interest in taking pictures of our food. I'm not complaining through since I way prefer 60 degrees to 100!

In somewhat food related news, we finally got a dining room table for our formal dining room, so perhaps we should start eating at it--although we still need some more chairs if we are going to entertain visitors. I've been obsessing about what color to paint the dining room. I tried a sort of muted pink--which we both decided that we hate. So now we are going to try a dark blue. We'll see if that works out.